Philosophy of life
In 2008 I wrote about “my philosophy of life and its ramifications for education”. I can still feel the passion of those days, although sometimes life stifles the energy a
Psicanálise, Transferência, Educação
Escrevi minha tese de conclusão do curso de Psicologia sobre motivação intrínseca na aprendizagem, analisando meus dados sob a lente da Psicanálise. Escolhi uma de minhas professoras do núcleo de
35 weeks That’s how long I have been pregnant. I have been loving every step of the way. That is not to say I had no discomforts, or pains, or
Walking away from chaos – a good choice
I am a perfectionist, and I stress myself to the limit trying to keep up. But today I simply walked away.
Perspectives on Feeling: Language and Living
Language and Feeling On Monday I once again introduced new words to help students communicate their feelings. This time, I am working with Intermediate ESOL Kindergarteners. More than my 2nd
Excitement and Desperation in a Second Grade English Enrichment Classroom
I feel ______ when _____ By the 40th minute of class I threw my arms up in the air and my body down on a chair. It took me a
Path to Expertise
Guidance Not sure I have written about the amazing guidance I got from my Reading Specialist team last school year. Yesterday I had a brief breakdown, shaken off by my
Esta semana eu comecei uma nova fase. Uma fase em que sou funcionária permanente de um distrito escolar, com uma posição integral sob a perspectiva distrital, mas trabalhando meio período
This week I started a new phase, one in which I am a permanent employee of a school district, holding a full time position from the district perspective, but working
Multiliguismo nos ajuda a crescer, ampliando a habilidade de pensar e ser.